Friday, 28 March 2014


     There is something very special strength in each on of us. Most of the time, it’d hidden underneath all our insecurities and anxieties, but it’s there. What I’m talking about is an unshakable inner strength that is the core to the human spirit. It’s not just found in a special group of people like soldiers, or the rich, or the famous. It’s in every single one of us. Since starting this battle with cancer, I’ve been complimented on how I have handled the situation. The truth is, I haven’t done anything special. Why do I say this? Because I’ve witnessed so many incredible journeys of people who hold the kind of strength that defines humanity. This is not to say that we don’t break down and cry, because I certainty do. It’s just that no matter how bleak the situation or how tired we are, there is still hope. There will always be hope.
     Tonight, this post is for Jessica Rice, a girl battling stage IV lung cancer. Since finding her blog on the internet (, she has been a constant source of inspiration for me. In a way, she has become almost like a tree that I lean on when I can’t hold myself up.
     This battle is so terribly hard. It’s so hard sometimes that I literally lie there gasping for air. But it’s okay. I know I also possess this incredible strength that is within Jessica and everyone else on this earth. 

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