Saturday 24 May 2014

Medical Update 3

     Hey everyone! This is the update I promised a while ago. I’ve officially been discharged from 5 weeks of hospital stay 3 days ago. Let me bring you up to date on what has happened in the past 5 weeks and where I am now.
    I was first brought into the ER at the Ottawa General Hospital with a fever and a resting heart rate of over 150 (normal for my age range is around 60-70). I was immediately admitted with the fear that I had some type of infection that my body could not fight off. A few days into the hospital stay, my heart started beating extremely fast (above the 200’s) which is called tachycardia. That was frightening because doctors and specialists from the intensive care unit were called to my room for assessment and treatment. After numerous tests and scans, it was determined that everything looked okay (thank goodness). Not long after, my body decided it was a good idea to go unconscious while the nurse was flushing my port. This caused another uproar on the oncology floor, and yes the intensive care unit team was called again. Now again, they could not figure out what happened, so decided to keep me for further observations. Anyways, I ended up getting a week of radiation for pain and switched to a new line of chemo. The cancer has grown and I am a lot weaker than before.

     Currently, I’m in a lot of pain constantly and have to take the injectable dilaudid quite frequently. Under these circumstances, my doctors usually won’t let me out of the hospital but after my constant nagging and begging, they send me home with enough drugs to start a pretty legit drug company haha. Right now, I’m hoping that the new chemo drugs that I’m starting next week will contain the cancer and help with the pain. Obviously things could be better, but I also realize that my one year cancerversary is coming up and I am very proud to have made it through this year and hopefully I’ll have the chance to celebrate many more years to come! That's it for now! Thanks for reading :)

Monday 12 May 2014

Quick Update

     Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of update! I'm not feeling the greatest, so I'm going to keep this short. I'll give you a much more detailed update a little later. Remember how I was complaining about radiation burn and not being able to walk? Well, a short while after that started healing, I started a new chemotherapy regiment. About four days in, I started experiencing excruciating amount of pain down both legs. This was partly expected from what my doctors told me and what I searched up online. What I didn't expect was a high fever, which landed me in the hospital. So this was about a month ago. Yes, I have been in the hospital for a month!!!! Honestly, the hate you develop for hospital food in this period of time can go pretty deep. Anyways, during my hospital stay, I had a few scary moments, where the ICU people were called and things didn't look too good. Fortunately, I was able to come out of them and I'm feeling actually pretty okay right now. I've started radiation again for pain and now I'm on my third different line of chemo. The goal is to go home this week and consult with my doctors about the next plan of action. Once things are somewhat back to normal, I'll make sure to update you guys on the YACC retreat I went on and the other things that's been going on in my life! Thanks for reading! :D